Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cracker Jack Dive Meet

Wow, Jordyn keeps getting better at diving! She had a beautiful back fall-in today. Of course, I didn't quite capture it on film. She almost broke 30 pts. for her 3 dives: Front dive, Back fall-in, and Front jump (w/four step hurdle). Good job, Pie!

Boy Scout Centennial Parade

Today, Jacob got to march in the Centennial Parade (the 100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts). They even got special permission to add an extra parade to the 4 allowed National parades in Washington, DC per year. It was hot, hot, hot, but Jacob had fun!

Fashion Show!

Friday was Jordyn's last day at Fashion Camp, which means it was Fashion Show Day! Jordyn got to model her "refashioned" outfit and the borrowed clothes from Target. She even got to choreograph her modeling with a partner and music! She did great-did not look nervous at all.

Jacob comes home from All-Arts and Science Camp

We were very excited to see the slide show and take Jacob home from camp. Grandma and Grandpa met us at the campus of George Mason University to pick Jacob up after his week at camp. Man, is that a big campus! Especially, if you don't know where you are going and it's 100 degrees outside! Jacob had a WONDERFUL time at camp. He talked non-stop about it, so proud of all the things he did and learned. He has a knack for finding just one little thing, no matter how small, about an experience and LOVING it for that. I wish I could do that! He loved camp before he even went because it was over night in a college dorm. He loved his counselor because he was the only one with a nickname. He loved his classes because the teachers all mentioned something that made his work unique. He can't wait for the next 5 years at this camp because he can fill up his "firebrand" paddle with stamps.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Dive Team-Last "A" meet for 2010

This is Jordyn's second year on the Hayfield Farm Dive Team and she is getting pretty good! Check out the form!

Tonight was the last "A" meet for Jordyn. She gets to do the Cracker Jack meet on Sunday.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fashion Camp

Okay, so it doesn't sound very "campy". All I know is that Jordyn was all smiles when we got ready and I when I dropped her off at South County High School. This week she will get to "re-fashion" an item of clothing (cut it, add to it, resew it, etc.), make accessories, have a photo shoot, and be in a fashion show!

All-Arts and Science Camp

We dropped Jacob off at his first sleepaway camp yesterday. I was excited for him, but a little sad. Okay, a lot sad! We'll miss him. He gets to sleep in the dorms at GMU! He is taking an ART Mix class and Zoom, Swoosh, Blast (making things fly) class, plus all the other fun camp stuff, like songs, games, and competitions. He is in the Hitchcock Colony. I think we remembered everything...except one thing, his pillow. Oh well, that will be the only "roughing it" part of his camp stay!